Tuesday 3 October 2023

Aire Naturelle Cyclotourist Comunale, Serignac-sur-Garrone

Last night was so warm. It's hard to believe it's October. For once we all had dry tents this morning and could pack up quickly. But rain threatened. Our first stop at a nearby town to buy paracetamol from the pharmacy and lunch from the bakers next door. Then a steady cycle along the canal. Rain clouds gathering we stopped at a picnic area under some trees for lunch.

Within minutes rain was falling, hence we ate quickly. This wasn't rain as we've known it. The last time we got wet the rain fell in torrents. A little shower wasn't going to bother us, we found a bus shelter nearby to sit it out in.

The canal path was quiet, very few cyclists around today. The branches of the large trees overhung to form a canopy. Another stop just before Agen where a man stopped to talk to John about our trip. 'No electric motor', he exclaimed! Upon Angela's return she found John holding a bag containing six mandarin oranges. An act of kindness? Or did the man feel sorry for us because he thought we couldn't afford an electric bike? As we cycled through Agen we passed a homeless man sat by the canal. John gave him two of the mandarins. The gesture was welcomed. What a strange day this was.

And then we saw a man towing a homemade caravan with an electric bike. We now know the electric motor on the bike is 'kaput', as he is here with us tonight on a free camping area for cyclists just off the canal. The weather is due to settle tomorrow, and temperatures will rise up into the thirties. So an early start to beat the heat.

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