Thursday 28 July 2022

Penally, Tenby

Today was John's birthday, bunting adorned the parking area this morning in honour of this day. Nice one Angela. :)

Our drive today took us to Tenby, a harbour town and resort with thirteenth century town walls and a castle overlooking the town from a headland off the beach. The towns sandy beaches make this a popular holiday destination and the beaches were busy but not overcrowded. 

Marge parked in a space specifically for vans, although no overnight allowed of course, we walked into the town, ate birthday pasties and ice cream and sat a while to take in a view, reminiscent of West Dorset, across Carmarthen Bay to a patchwork of fields back on the Gower Peninsula.

Down by the harbour we visited the new lifeboat station and the fisherman's chapel, pretty but not a striking as the one at St. Vaast le Hoque near Cherbourg in France which we think is stunning.

Our time in Tenby passed quickly and we left the town in search of our overnight stop, The Paddock Inn at Penally, a five-minute drive away. We'd phoned ahead to reserve a space in the car park and table for our evening meal. Arriving at six, the pub was busy with locals and as it was a nice evening we decided to sit outside. All good. Perhaps not. We ordered our food at ten to seven and it arrived at eight fifteen.

Not good. Oh well it tasted nice and John will remember his birthday for the spicy Ethiopian dish of Doro Wat he ate. Angela played it safe, fish, chips and mushy peas. 

We are expecting tonight to pass quietly. Music is wafting up from the nearby holiday park, a little different from last night when we were entertained with eighties music from the other van near us. Not what you would expect from a man in his late seventies, early eighties who was hard of hearing so he pumped it up a little. 

As for Marge, she's on top form. Powering up hills and running like a dream. Don't make us regret saying this Marge please.

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