Thursday 23 June 2022


The sunset last night, fifty shades of pink, just went on and on whipping the clouds into it.  Spectacular. Thank you, West Kirby, for this brilliant light show and for welcoming the vans to stay a night for free. In return we made sure we spent money in the town. Easy isn't it local councils, we stay, and the local businesses gain! We spoke with a lady in one of the other four vans and with a local man, both keen to hear about Marge and her travels. She never stops drawing a crowd. Meeting and talking to so many different people are one of the joys of our travels. The night air warm, many local people walked out along the promenade until quite late. We ended up retiring to bed a lot later than intended, sitting with Marge's side door open enjoying the warmth of the evening whilst we looked across the river Dee to a thousand Christmas lights twinkling over on the coast of north Wales. 

Early next morning we were awoken by the refuse collectors and workmen working on the sea defence. Walkers and joggers passed by their pounding feet sounding out. We caught snippets of conversations. 'You'll be alright'. 'In September'. 'And I said to her'. 'Huff, puff, puff'. What does that mean? It's the sound of exercise Marge. 

Our drive south to Buckinghamshire was long but without too much traffic. We stopped for lunch at a service area on the M5 where many of the people looked like Glastonbury suspects.

We were glad when we finally arrived at Askett where we would once again spend a night in Marge on John's sister's driveway, but not until after we'd enjoyed a lovely home-cooked meal whilst catching up. Good food, and good company. You can't beat it. 

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