Wednesday 5 May 2021

 Ridge, nr: Wareham.

We were awake early this morning woken by the glare of a promising sun. A big day today, our grandson Elliot would get to use his 'new bucket and spade'. Little did we know what weather lay ahead. At around ten thirty on the way into Poole the hopes of a fine day faded. The forecast was for a day of sunshine and cloud and no rain until 4 pm. Someone got that wrong. The sky darkened and the rain fell, but we clung on to hope every time we saw a flash of blue sky. 
By the time we met up with the family we were resorting to prayer. Luckily a break in the weather meant we could walk along the beach up to Poole quay where we were able to sit and have coffee. The quay was alive with other hopeful people, some even embarking on the boat trip to Brownsea island. But all the time the rain threatened, with angry clouds gathering at all angles.

Sandwiches bought, we all crammed into Marge (with windows slightly opened) to eat and hope. 
Next stop was the beach at Rockley Park, ready for Elliots big moment. As we approached it began to, yes snow!  After sitting in our respective vehicles, a window of opportunity arose and the bucket and spade made its debut.

Children are so resilient, our grandson happily played on the wet sand revelling in the moment. Then in true British style, when the next wave of rain, or should we say hail fell, we all piled in to Marge for an ice cream.

The weather continued to test us until in the end another heavy hail shower ended the day for us all. It had not turned out to be the day we'd planned, but little Elliot seemed to enjoy himself.

Earlier than expected John and I headed to the campsite at Ridge. At 5.30 pm the sun cracked the clouds and a strip of blue split the grey clouds giving an improving picture to a bleak campsite with just four of us staying. If it was solitude you were looking for, this was the place. Fortunately, we've stayed here before many times and know how nice it can be.

BBQ grill on and sausages on the griddle we couldn't believe the change in the weather. Sometimes life's not fair. 

We took an evening walk down to the nearby boatyard, eerily quiet as we walked through a graveyard of vessels. The sunlight softening in an evening glow lit the reeds standing tall on the flood plain and along the riverbank. Despite the hint of a chill, we allowed our bodies to accept the little warmth the sun offered.
Now back in Marge, we watch a washed-out sunset through the trees. Tomorrow, we will return home, but are already planning Marge's next trip in a week or permitting! 

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