Saturday 8 May 2021


We survived the night! The wind picked up buffeting Marge, finding away inside her, through the open roof vent, its coolness brushing our faces. Angela prayed for the forecasted rain to start, as it would mask the sounds of the night in an unfamiliar area. Asleep long before the first drop, but awoken by its persistent drumming as it took hold. She has read a few times that nerves are excitement in disguise, she just wasn't feeling it that way. Despite her anxieties her night's sleep was short but not too disturbed.
Up early ready for the mechanics to start work on Marge first thing we pondered on how the day would pan out. After all our quotes of positivity we were not feeling it. We felt tested. Marge felt tested. Life is testing. Leaving Marge to be operated on, we walked to Greggs to find comfort in bacon baps and orange juice. Then not wanting to be away from Marge too long we headed back to the garage where we sat in the reception area for three and a half nail biting hours after which John was presented with an invoice that made him a little angry.  Emotions and tempers were a little frayed, it had been around over 48 hours since this saga had begun, and the RAC were not coming out of it in a good light. Their diagnosis, meant a repair to Marge would take an hour or two. Turned out they'd misdiagnosed her, and repairs took 5 hours, and required a whole lot more parts. An email to customer services at the RAC is pending, we'd been badly advised and they'd really let us and Marge down this time. The good news, Marge test driven by the mechanic and Angela ran sweetly. She'd come through. 
After a tentative journey home, she is now nestled between the greenhouse and flower border. We are all glad to be home.
Are you O.K. Marge. 'Yes, I've been for a drive'.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Hopefully, that'll be the end of repairs for a while. Not a cheap motoring, but worth it for the freedom.