Saturday 28 September 2019

Praia de Sao Juliao

Luxury at the aire yesterday. A lovely clean ladies and gents toilet, but alas, no shower for us to indulge in, we're guessing that lucky day was probably a one off. During the night, the wind got up and we could hear its whisper as it passed through the trees.
This morning the French walked by Marge, craning their necks for a look inside. We know what Marge would have said to them!

Close by, in the town, a market was taking place, mostly fruit and vegetables, but a couple of men were selling cockerells and rabbits. We noticed the fruit and vegetable stalls all seemed to be run by women sixty plus. We guessed, the husbands cultivated the crops, whilst the women sold the produce. What really baffled us, was the fact they were all selling exactly the same produce, how did the local people choose who to buy from?
Late morning, we set off back towards the coast to Ericeira.

At Lidl, we just needed a few fresh items, (and a custard tart), we parked next to a young German family. The slogan on the back of their van read, 'life is better outside'. We couldn't agree more. On further research of their website, we discovered that they have been on the road since April. The Dutch couple we were next to yesterday, left home at the beginning of September, and are away until the beginning of December. They had an internet business selling furniture online. It seems, that the urge to travel, is vast, we meet different people everyday, all with a different story to tell, but all with a similar thought and objective. Life is short, get out there and live it! 

Angela wanted to visit Mafra, so we diverted back there to see the palace and monastery, both which seemed in need of some money spending on it.

In the church, still open to the public, a wedding was taking place, amongst the continuous flow of visitors. It was all a little bizarre. 
We'd experienced a few problems whilst driving today, mostly steep inclines and narrow roads. At one point we thought we'd be in big trouble in a village with very, very, narrow roads, and high walls. But two old men, waved us in a direction Angela wasn't happy about driving in, and apart from it being a steep downhill road with bends, after negotiating the exit, we were back on a main road. Thank you, helpful Potuguese elders. 

Tonight we are back at the beach. We have had enough culture, and have missed the Atlantic ocean and its strong determined character. Although it was late afternoon, we parked Marge and set off for a walk along the sand, under the unstable cliffs.

The sea, was aggressive as ever, but we're used to its rage now. The sun reflected off the sea in flashes of light, shattered by the waves as they flung themselves at the rocks. The rock formation was interesting, if not a little unstable. In a cave, John came across an 'old fossil'!

Returning later to Marge, we spoke a little to the young couple next to us. Then whilst we cooked our evening meal, we discussed how exciting it was to be young, fearless, and enthusiastic, and just go for it. A life on the road fuelled by pasta and hormones. We all wish we could be youthful for ever. Well you all might, but the 'old fossil' in the cave is only fifty nine, and fuelled by hormones. Time to put on the pasta!

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